Friday 19 May 2017

Jackie LaPonza

Jackie with Mushroomhead, 2017. 
Photo by Alan Espinoza 

Jackie LaPonza of Unsaid Fate and Mushroomhead is currently on tour in the US, but four days ago Mushroomhead's tour bus crashed into two cars on the highway just outside of Houston, Texas. Fortunately no one involved in the collision was seriously injured. Then yesterday the band was forced to postpone a show in Oklahoma City due to bad weather conditions, so, during the calm before the storm, Jackie took some time out from an eventful week to answer some questions.

Anyone that is familiar with you, Jackie, will know that you are super passionate about your music. You really seem to enjoy every moment of being in a band and performing. Can you tell me where this love for music first came from? 

I grew up in a musical family and household. My dad was a drummer for such bands as Blue Oyster Cult, Chuck Berry, and so on. As kids, my brothers and I fell asleep to the rumbling of music being played in our basement. Between my dad playing in bands and also managing bands, we had the foundation of music instilled in us long before most kids went to elementary school. I knew by the time I was four years old I wanted to be a famous rock star. I was jamming out on my coffee table to Barracuda by the band Heart when I first told my mom that's what I wanted to be. 

What was the alternative music scene like in Cleveland, Ohio, when you were growing up?

I always stood out from the crowd growing up, listening to more classic rock than most kids knew existed, ha ha. I remember telling kids about Styx and Benatar and they had no clue what I was talking about. 

What bands or artists had an influence on you?

I really loved me some No Doubt, Heart, BenatarJoan Jett, you know the more badass chicks in the business. I have four brothers and grew up very much a tomboy. I could be as cool as them, and I was out to prove it! 

What do you remember about the first show you ever played?

I was shy beyond belief and nervous. Shyness took a while to go away and these days you'd never think that was the case for my past.

In 2014, Unsaid Fate released its debut EP Never Turning Back. What was the recording experience like for you, and how did it feel to have a finished product?

Well it was great, although it was not my first album; it was just the first for USF, and the new avenue we were headed in.

You’ve also featured in several music videos, and you always look so natural and badass on camera. Do you enjoy making them?

I love videos for the simple fact that I get to play a character and portray whatever emotions I want and need to get out to the public. I write how I feel so I can sing it with feeling, ya know?

Last year you came to the UK as a vocalist for Mushroomhead where I saw you play two excellent shows in London and Reading. How was the tour for you?

That tour was amazing and my first time in the UK, so I felt blessed to have the opportunity and then to find out how many fans were waiting on USF to come over was flattering.

A standout moment from those shows for me was when you appear in that gorgeous white dress to sing One More Day, which is a hauntingly beautiful performance. What was the inspiration behind that?

That was to bring a little elegance to the stage and drama to truly let the song shine on such a dark typically creepy stage.

Mushroomhead, Reading, 2016.

What is your favourite part about being in a band?

I love performing, I also love having what feels like a large dysfunctional family. I call it a travelling circus, ha ha! But I also get to meet and collect great souls and see the world. It's not for everyone but seems to fit me just right. 

If you weren’t a recording artist what do you think you would be doing instead?

Fashion and makeup was always fun to me. Anything that you can create something carries all my interests. I also love helping animals in any way possible. I'll save anything really, like even an ant or a spider. I get yelled at ‘cause I stop others from killing innocent lil bugs. 

You always seem to make a lot of time and show genuine appreciation for your fans, whether it's after shows, or on social media. Am I correct in saying that the connection you make with people is clearly quite important to you as an artist?

I truly do care for people. I feel that if I can make one person smile then I did my job for the day. If I can help one person get through a tough situation, I will try my best. If someone just needs to talk I'm here to listen. I try to make people realize that just by being positive and taking the negativity out of your day you can turn that into a chain reaction of positivity and that can in turn change someone else's day for the better. You can't wait on others to make the change; you have to be the change you want to see.

You’re currently on the road with Mushroomhead, how is the tour going so far?

Well it's been an eventful one, but none the less it's been a killer tour!

One of the shows you played recently was in Carrollton, Ohio, for Save 22 – a Suicide awareness and prevention for Veterans organisation. How did this show come about for you guys? 

Jeff Singer of Mushroomhead is great friends with one of the main guys that holds the event. He asked if we would be interested, and well of course we love to do what we can. It turned out great and we are already talking plans for more to come.

How did the show go? It sounds like a special day?

Super special show for a great cause and the awareness is being spread to help those in need.

In June, Unsaid Fate will be supporting Mushroomhead. Will you still be a part of the Mushroomhead show?

Of course, I'm always out performing with Shroom, especially when USF is on the bill.

Can you give any updates on Unsaid Fate’s new album? Is it close to being finished, and what can we expect from you this time around?

The new album is gonna make some heads turn. It should be out fall 2017, and I cannot wait for you all to hear it.

Will we see more awesome hair styles?

My hair will be forever changing... never knowing what it will be next. It's always a last minute decision on the color, ha! 

Do you think we will get to see you tour the album this side of the pond?

Absolutely! We plan on getting the new album out and touring all over the world with this one and plenty more to come. As long as you all come support.

Jackie, it’s been an absolute pleasure to have been able to interview you. I wish you all the best with the upcoming tours and the new album, which I can’t wait to hear! Thank you for your time. Take care!

Thank you so much for the love. God bless and rock on!

Words by Christopher Yeoman, 2017.

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